Main Deck - 53 cards, 25 distinct
Sideboard - 84 cards, 48 distinct
This version almost seems like a go for the kill version. It's kind of a hybrid of Death's shadow and lantern, which is good pedigree of company to keep. I think the idea is to use hand disruption and counterspells to just hold them down while we do our thing as quickly as possible. This might be the best shell for the creature based version as well.
As I'm diving a little further into the Death's shadow package. That deck already has a ton of nonsense durdle, some of which overlaps, so we can craft our own durdle package I think, that goes way over the top of the other version with the recall mode. We can have this game play where it's very protect the queen and huge chunks of incidental mill, and then if our Plan A of beat them to death is stifled, the Plan B of blow out the rest of their deck is still there. The protect the queen package is just nuts with Stubborn Denial, Drown in the Loch, IoK, thoughtseize, and additional disruption in Fatal push and force of negation. We don't have answers to everything, but we do have more game than we usually would. Unearth get's way better in this shell as the cycling mode also alligns with our primary game plan. The rate at which we churn through cards should also allow us to cast visions off ourselves sometime. Snapcaster mage is now powerful pickup, as is potentially psionic blast as our style of battle rage. The GDS variants continue to search for a tutor package o reduce their variance, and this version has symmetry, which hoops also seemed incidentially checked by the GDS shell. Depending on how the life loss evens out, we may need to splash white just for the pain, which offers a lot of options (silent clearing, teferi, Queller, esper charm, and entreat I'm stoked about). Traditionally these two styles have been competitive in nature, but we might finally have enough overlap to be able to build the creature mill deck. I've always felt like GDS was my style, and perhaps unconsciously I was seeing the overlap between them and now it has come into focus.
As I'm diving a little further into the Death's shadow package. That deck already has a ton of nonsense durdle, some of which overlaps, so we can craft our own durdle package I think, that goes way over the top of the other version with the recall mode. We can have this game play where it's very protect the queen and huge chunks of incidental mill, and then if our Plan A of beat them to death is stifled, the Plan B of blow out the rest of their deck is still there. The protect the queen package is just nuts with Stubborn Denial, Drown in the Loch, IoK, thoughtseize, and additional disruption in Fatal push and force of negation. We don't have answers to everything, but we do have more game than we usually would. Unearth get's way better in this shell as the cycling mode also alligns with our primary game plan. The rate at which we churn through cards should also allow us to cast visions off ourselves sometime. Snapcaster mage is now powerful pickup, as is potentially psionic blast as our style of battle rage. The GDS variants continue to search for a tutor package o reduce their variance, and this version has symmetry, which hoops also seemed incidentially checked by the GDS shell. Depending on how the life loss evens out, we may need to splash white just for the pain, which offers a lot of options (silent clearing, teferi, Queller, esper charm, and entreat I'm stoked about). Traditionally these two styles have been competitive in nature, but we might finally have enough overlap to be able to build the creature mill deck. I've always felt like GDS was my style, and perhaps unconsciously I was seeing the overlap between them and now it has come into focus.
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