Sideboard - 205 cards, 205 distinct
61 Sorceries
61 Instants
30 Enchantments
X Planeswalkers
Balanced by Color card desire. Of the last 60 or so cards (after doing ench and "colorless" spells) alternating through WUBRG picking sorcery, Instant, or creature option (for green only). Hence we got a healthier and more natural distribution towards Instants, a decrease in sorceries, and green was able to opt out and add sorely desired creatures, upping the creature count (Creatures: Tireless Tracker, Deathrite Shaman, Sylvok Replica, Thrashing Brontodon, and Courser of Kruphix)
+3 from the god to planeswalker trade
I would love to figure out how to get unlicensed disintegration in there.
Got to get utter end, anguished unmaking, and fractured identity in there:)
61 Instants
30 Enchantments
X Planeswalkers
Balanced by Color card desire. Of the last 60 or so cards (after doing ench and "colorless" spells) alternating through WUBRG picking sorcery, Instant, or creature option (for green only). Hence we got a healthier and more natural distribution towards Instants, a decrease in sorceries, and green was able to opt out and add sorely desired creatures, upping the creature count (Creatures: Tireless Tracker, Deathrite Shaman, Sylvok Replica, Thrashing Brontodon, and Courser of Kruphix)
+3 from the god to planeswalker trade
I would love to figure out how to get unlicensed disintegration in there.
Got to get utter end, anguished unmaking, and fractured identity in there:)
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