- ADAM HAGGERTY's profile
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- MTG DECKS (1071)
- staVolrath
- staFull Collection
- staWasteland additi ...
- staAltar of Orb
- modArtifact mill
- modAzorius Stoneblade
- modBonds Combo
- modCombo Esper Control
- modCopy of Esper Mi ...
- modDeath mill V1
- modDeath mill V2
- modEsper Creature mill
- modEsper Mill
- modEsper Mill Aethe ...
- modEsper Mill Ixalan
- legEsper Mystic Mill
- staEsper Mystic Mil ...
- legEsper Mystic Mil ...
- staFractured Sanity
- modGreedy 4c mill
- modGrixis Creature ...
- modIkoria Mill
- staKaheera Mill
- modKaya Full Stop
- legmystic
- modStoneage mill V1
- legStoneage mill V3
- modSultai Mill Crea ...
- modSultai Mill V1
- modSultai Mill V2
- legSultai Mystic Mill
- staSultai Mystical ...
- modSuper Lean Mill
- modU/B Mill Field
- staUro mill
- modWalker mill
- staYorion Mystic Mill
- mod4c combo!
- mod8 frog
- staAngels?
- modAwake the dragon
- legBedlam revaler
- modBig CMC's
- modCollective defiance
- modcreature counters
- pioCycling breach
- modDay's Undoing
- modEquipment
- legFlyers
- modFree army
- modGain draw
- modGoblins
- staGrave Mages
- modHeavy tax
- modironworks reborn
- legLands
- vinLifegain Lands
- legLocket of yester ...
- legLots of grave cr ...
- staLotus Cobra
- legMardu choices
- modMaze's End Modern?
- modMiracles
- staModern aid
- modModern zombies
- modNew pod
- modNo Amulet, No Bloom
- modPsycho Surgery
- modReanimation line
- legReanimator
- staRestore Balance
- staSent fire
- modSlabs
- staSnow
- vinTemporal Mastery
- modTemur immortal
- staThe witcher
- modU/W Control
- legWizards
- modWR Sigarda's Aid ...
- modTokens 4 u
- modTrap!
- staUW control
- sta4 color control
- sta4 color copy cat
- sta4 Color Time Warp
- sta4 color Uro
- staAbzan Company
- staAd Nauseum
- staAmulet Titan
- staAzorius Belcher
- modBant Reclaimer
- staBant Snow
- staBelcher bullshit ...
- staBoros Heliod
- staBoros LD
- staDimir Rogues Duke
- staDimir Rogues LSV
- staDredge
- staEldrazi tron
- staEsper Control
- staHu-mans
- staJengatha Nactyl
- staJeskai Lotus Field
- staJund
- staMardu Death's Sh ...
- staMon-red prowess
- staoops all spells
- staSelesnya Company
- staSelesnya Reclaimer
- staUR Prowess
- legAffinity
- legBant Snowblade
- modBurn
- modEldrazi Tron
- legHumans
- legSelesnya Eldrazi
- legAzorius control
- staJund
- staAffinity
- staBlack Devotion
- pioCollective defiance
- staControl
- staCopy of Temur im ...
- staDiciple of deceit
- pioEmergent Ultimatum
- staGonti's machinat ...
- pioGW heliod
- staHarvest season
- staLurrus/Professor ...
- pioMill?
- staMono Red
- pioOath of Nissa
- pioReal Big
- pioRiddle of lightning
- staSlivers
- staStoke the flames
- pioThe Lock: Pionee ...
- modThunderkin
- pioTokens?
- pioUG Heroic
- staVampires
- pioWizards
- modYorion BS
- staBant Company
- staEsper Mentor
- staGruul Aggro
- staGruul Raze-Boar
- staHumans
- staIzzet Emerge
- staIzzet Pheonix
- staIzzet Wizards
- staJund
- staKethis Combo
- staMaze's End
- staMono Blue God-ph ...
- staOrzhov vampires
- staRabble red
- staRally
- staSpirits
- staSultai Delerium
- staSultai Dredge
- staSultai Good Stuff
- staThe Rock
- staUW Flash
- staVehicles
- staAzorius Spirits
- staBoros Auras
- staBoros Burn
- staBoros Winnota
- staBoros Wizards
- staChonky Gruul
- staChonky red
- staCitadel Sacrifice
- staEnter the Infinite
- staEsper Yorion
- staFour-color ramp
- staGrixis Control
- staGruul Aggro
- staGruul Possibilit ...
- staInverter 1
- pioJeskai Fires
- staJund Citadel
- staLurrus pyromancer
- staMono-Green Devotion
- staNiv-Mizzet reborn
- staOrzhov Humans
- staRakdos Arcanist ...
- staSimic Spirits
- pioSultai Control
- staSultai Dredge
- staSultai Rec
- staTemur Rec
- staWafo-Tapa Dimir ...
- staWinnota
- modCollected conjuring
- staCycling
- staCycling 2
- staForetold
- staOracle
- modMaze's End
- vinMaze's End 30$
Avg. CMC 2.12 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |
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TCGplayer Cyber Weekend is on between November 29th at 9AM EST and December 2nd at 11PM EST.
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Get 10% store credit on ALL products! (or 13% for TCGplayer subscribers). Check it out now!
Main Deck - 62 cards, 26 distinct
Sideboard - 92 cards, 68 distinct
This deck hit as an epiphany last night. It incensed my mine for half the night. It seems so obvious. Whats an underrated graveyard deck that has more room to operate now that I've got reps in? Gifts ungiven/ unburial rights of course. I don't think this deck has been looked at by anyone since gifts storm became the best thing you can with gifts. It has so many new tools, and I'm more skilled as well. There are likely a number of creatures like Iona that are just KO against most opponents still, and the archetype is much improved as it got access too Teferi, Time Raveler, and Mox Amber, which add free mana 5-8 with an active Griselbrand. Speaking of griselbrand, I think we finally found a home for it. Griselbrand with Fists of the flame is KO, Children of Korlis should be a KO, as any griselbrand should lead to a lot of cards and reanimating a borborygomos enraged, which with 7 land is an auto win. Goryo's vengeance is the perfect redundancy for the gifts package which offers a more explosive beginning as well. There seems like a good amount of room to work as well, I can play some good disruption and hold the combo, get them inevitably. I think I can do this instant speed too.
After trying to pair down the deck, it's clear that the package revolves around a more midrange style deck as we are completely incentivized too play counterspells with baral and thoughtseize. Thoughtseize is just the best card possible in this deck.It protects the combo, is great disruption, is great with Teferi, enables the fast combo by getting a piece out of our hand potentially going off on turn 2. Having my opponent having to slog through all that disruption that also functions as enablers should make it pretty easy to combo kill. Speaking of the combo kill, I think optimizing the graveyard combo for instant speed is necessary. This would allow us to combo out in their untap step, which is not only good with Teferi, but turns pact of negation into force of will to protect our combo, which is banana's. Playing this deck I want to note that we can not allow a Narset to resolve. The unfortunate thing is that an Instant speed win requires the exclusive use of simian spirit guide, which is problematic as we need a W most likely to full combo, and 5 mana. This would indicate a mixture of manamorphose and desperate ritual then, which is fine, but is another knock against korlis and mox amber. Footsteps of the goryo is another intriguing option between vengeance and unburial rites that allows us to further combo out at a different rate. After some more exploration, this feels almost more akin to storm. The difference then is tied to the amount of practive disruption we get to play to set us apart from the other baral based combo deck.
It's also cool that we could sideboard into Ilharg and Nahiri to sidestep graveyard hate.
Is this Griselbrand version I'm working just a bad storm deck though? I want to try a more traditional non-combo based version of the deck as well. Looking at big durdles locking out a game. I get to play more disruption so I think my individual card quality is higher, and something like dampening sphere doesn't hose me super bad. I also shouldn't die to a lot of aggro like storm does, but I do open myself to more hate, which is okay right now. The original gifts/rites deck used it more as a super slow stoneforge mystic, but it only saw any success because Iona and Elesh Norn lock out some matchups. My version is more combo oriented, which emulates storm and Ad Nauseum much more. We are actually super close to Ad Nauseum. We use the gifts/rite package as a super entomb and redundant combo mechanism. We are trying to assemble it in hand, but if we don't, then we get to go off on T5 every time. The difference between storm and Ad Nauseum is instant speed but at a trade off of mana. So is the niche' we are delving into the instant speed of Ad Nauseum with the fast starts of Storm, as well as more disruption then both? Our cost is being graveyard dependent, but in a low graveyard hate meta, and the upside of using force to cover our combo is just very strong. I think the next part is to make a combo decision tree and form the deck around optimizing this tree. I think I have to many variables to finish a list without doing this, making it impossible to pin down enablers and disruption packages. Congruent with this is a list of points in the game where I combo off. Deciding which one is the most optimal and consistent to strive for will inform engine decisions, and then we will know how many of the ancillary options are incorporated in our shell.
After trying to pair down the deck, it's clear that the package revolves around a more midrange style deck as we are completely incentivized too play counterspells with baral and thoughtseize. Thoughtseize is just the best card possible in this deck.It protects the combo, is great disruption, is great with Teferi, enables the fast combo by getting a piece out of our hand potentially going off on turn 2. Having my opponent having to slog through all that disruption that also functions as enablers should make it pretty easy to combo kill. Speaking of the combo kill, I think optimizing the graveyard combo for instant speed is necessary. This would allow us to combo out in their untap step, which is not only good with Teferi, but turns pact of negation into force of will to protect our combo, which is banana's. Playing this deck I want to note that we can not allow a Narset to resolve. The unfortunate thing is that an Instant speed win requires the exclusive use of simian spirit guide, which is problematic as we need a W most likely to full combo, and 5 mana. This would indicate a mixture of manamorphose and desperate ritual then, which is fine, but is another knock against korlis and mox amber. Footsteps of the goryo is another intriguing option between vengeance and unburial rites that allows us to further combo out at a different rate. After some more exploration, this feels almost more akin to storm. The difference then is tied to the amount of practive disruption we get to play to set us apart from the other baral based combo deck.
It's also cool that we could sideboard into Ilharg and Nahiri to sidestep graveyard hate.
Is this Griselbrand version I'm working just a bad storm deck though? I want to try a more traditional non-combo based version of the deck as well. Looking at big durdles locking out a game. I get to play more disruption so I think my individual card quality is higher, and something like dampening sphere doesn't hose me super bad. I also shouldn't die to a lot of aggro like storm does, but I do open myself to more hate, which is okay right now. The original gifts/rites deck used it more as a super slow stoneforge mystic, but it only saw any success because Iona and Elesh Norn lock out some matchups. My version is more combo oriented, which emulates storm and Ad Nauseum much more. We are actually super close to Ad Nauseum. We use the gifts/rite package as a super entomb and redundant combo mechanism. We are trying to assemble it in hand, but if we don't, then we get to go off on T5 every time. The difference between storm and Ad Nauseum is instant speed but at a trade off of mana. So is the niche' we are delving into the instant speed of Ad Nauseum with the fast starts of Storm, as well as more disruption then both? Our cost is being graveyard dependent, but in a low graveyard hate meta, and the upside of using force to cover our combo is just very strong. I think the next part is to make a combo decision tree and form the deck around optimizing this tree. I think I have to many variables to finish a list without doing this, making it impossible to pin down enablers and disruption packages. Congruent with this is a list of points in the game where I combo off. Deciding which one is the most optimal and consistent to strive for will inform engine decisions, and then we will know how many of the ancillary options are incorporated in our shell.
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